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Welcome to Pi Q Math

Dedicated to instilling joy and confidence in math, such that children embrace math for the rest of their lives.

Denver, Colorado

For children in 1st - 8th grades.

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Pi Q Math is Different

Pi Q Math is about being proactive. When a child feels competent in math from the very beginning, they will embrace math for the rest of their lives.

Pi Q Math is about believing that children can think deeply, reason effectively, persist at challenging problems, and be excited about mathematics.

Pi Q Math is for all children, whether your child loves and excels at math or your child needs help finding their passion for math.

All Children Deserve To Be Powerful Users Of Mathematics.

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Math is about helping your child develop the confidence, the ability and the curiosity to solve complex problems. A strong user of mathematics is someone who can apply a logical system of thinking along with a variety of mathematical methods in order to effectively solve non-routine problems.

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© 2025 Pi Q Math LLC
(720) 263-5502